
Intelligent Agents
Easily use AI to improve your processes

Reduce Downtime

Increased Quality


Increased Reliability

Increased Visibility

Intelligent Agents
See, predict and recommend actions at any location in your manufacturing process

They can guide staff intervention decisions such as stopping processes, handling materials and performing maintenance. They can control machinery including stopping machinery, adjusting speed and re-routing materials.

Trim saw outfeed
Stick separator
Skew, double lug
Stick full length without broken ends

Trim Saw Outfeed

Stick separator


Better quality outfeed, prevent jams in conveyance to round table/grader…

More efficient and effective separation

Queing for palletizing
Crate cleaning
Box integrity
Crate integrity inspection
Notification, stop, slow, robotic fix
Notification, stop, slow, robotic fix
Prevent damaged goods from being shipped to customer
Prevent damaged crates from being used which could damage product.
Pack to box
Pack to thermoformer
Label quality, expiration date, lot code
Food product fit into package
Notification, stop, slow, robotic fix
Notification, stop, slow, robotic fix
Prevent products with damaged labels or missing expiration dates from being shipped to customer
Prevent air leaks that can lead to spoilage of food product
how it works
Example Use Case

Count bottles of various sizes and shapes that are in containers as they move down your conveyors.

A simple way to use Mission Control is to identify what a bottle cap looks like by drawing bounding boxes around the caps of each bottle in a sample image to help the algorithm learn what they look like. The system then creates a machine-learning model that can identify bottles in containers as they move down your conveyer line.

You can leverage Mission Control’s Auto Detection feature to find all of the caps and train your machine learning model automatically. You can test your models, side by side, to see how they perform.

You can build and compare models in minutes. You can compare them side by side to view their performance.

Mission Control is a no-code platform that enables manufacturers to view videos, identify objects of interest, and automatically build and update learning models that provide deep introspection and control of their processes. You don’t need to learn AI or Machine Language.

key capabilities

Automating Difficult Processes

Exceptional visual intelligence capabilities to optimize production processes and reduce errors. This helps you maintain the highest quality standards for all of your products.

natural interactions
Simple interactions that control complex processes

Using video feeds, operators can open the application and create models instantly. You can identify the objects of interest, detect defects on objects, and identify how objects are handled – all with a point-and-click process that requires no coding or complex training.

democratizing machine learning
AI for Everyone

Mission Control lowers the barrier of introducing reliable and effective machine learning. Manufacturers can easily build complex processes using simple, easy-to-use web interfaces. These processes can do everything from control complex robotics movements to identifying objects.

Michael Thomas Ward
V & H Material Handling
Material Handling Specialist/Engineer

RIOS is a necessary piece of the puzzle to help our customers meet production goals and grow year over year with limited labor resources.

Kevin Miller
Associated Packaging, Inc.

The innovation of RIOS robotic solutions extends beyond a technically talented team adept at creating solutions to solve labor and material handling challenges to their entire business model. Not only do they offer the savings and benefits of RaaS, but their ability to replicate solutions over a broad install base is a game changer that forces customers to rethink their traditional view of automation and how RIOS can now help them target automation solutions that were previously not attainable or even considered.

Jake Gaines
Hit Promotional Products, Inc.
VP of Manufacturing

We were very impressed by RIOS. Their team proved they could understand our challenges, our business, quickly assess our use cases, and roll out robots in mind-boggling timeframes to meet our aggressive goals, while delivering the seamless, integrated experiences customers have come to expect.

On-demand access to a scalable robotic workforce.

How can we help? 

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